Sunday, June 3, 2007

Why is May so INSANE?!

Seriously, May has been more crazy than December, and somehow that just doesn't seem right. I don't know what it is about May, but I have decided that May must be short for MAYHEM!

The good news,

We booked a family vacation to take the kids to Disneyworld in honor of our 10th wedding anniversay. Our anniversary is in june, but we are going to take them in December. We are not going to tell the kids. They are just going to come home from school and we are going to get on a plane. It will be the best surprise for them! I can't wait!

I received my Cricut Expression last wednesday. (Things must be crazy for me to not have posted pictures.) I will get pics posted when I get home. I can't wait to spend some quality time with my new toy!

Finally, school is out and I am ready for summer break. As I type this I am sitting in my room at our family cabin waiting for the kids to wake up so we can go boating. It is going to be a beautiful day. Yesterday we put the boat in the water for the first time this season, and went out and had lunch on the boat. My oldest son, 7, decided he really wanted to swim, so we put him in his wet suit and he climbed into the water... the water which was 58 degrees by the way. But he loved it and had tons of fun and I took lots of pictures, because that's what I do! I made a delicious and beatiful dinner for everyone and then we went out for ice cream. It was a GREAT day!

I hope everyone has a wonderful day!